# @voorhoede/vue-lazy-load

Component to lazy load content using the Intersection Observer API

This compenent uses the Intersection observer API to detect when its content enters or exists the browser's viewport. The content only loads just before it comes into view, reducing initial page weight and load time.

# Installation

npm install @voorhoede/vue-lazy-load

# Usage

# Bundler (Webpack, Rollup)

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueLazyLoad from '@voorhoede/vue-lazy-load'


# Browser

<!-- Include after Vue -->
<!-- Local files -->
<script src="@voorhoede/vue-lazy-load/dist/vue-lazy-load.js"></script>

<!-- From CDN -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@voorhoede/vue-lazy-load"></script>

# Examples

hide code
<vue-lazy-load><b>This content is lazy loaded</b></vue-lazy-load>


# vue-lazy-load

# slots

  • default

  • placeholder Content that is loaded as a placeholder until it comes into view

# props

  • root-margin String (optional) default: '0px 0px 0px 0px'

    See InetersectionOberserver rootMargin docs

  • threshold Number|Array (optional)

    See InetersectionOberserver treshold docs